Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weigh in for week 2

I was once again pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning!  (I even weighed myself twice to make sure!) Weight loss always slows down week 2 of diets so I was hoping for a loss but didn't have any sort of number in mind.

Here are the results...

down another 3.4 pounds! 

and a total loss of 9.2 pounds!! two weeks.  Seriously?!

When I hear about people losing this much weight this quickly I always wonder how safe it is because medical professionals suggest people losing no more than 2 pounds a week, and obviously I am far over that.  But, I can't help but think it's okay because I don't feel like I'm limiting myself with the food I can eat.  I'm not starving myself in hopes to make the scale go down....I'm just eating within the boundaries of paleo when I get hungry and eat until I'm not anymore.  Seems simple enough, right? 

I really am thrilled's very encouraging to see the scale go down two weeks in a row.  :)  So I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing and take it one day at a time!

That's all for now....see you all tomorrow!

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