Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Truckin' Along and Building Habits

Hey hey!

Well, after I make a big deal about being back I suddenly disappear again. Although not for as long....and not because I wanted to necessarily either. But alas, working close to 20hrs a week while going to grad school full time leaves extra time at a minimum. :)

I do have the beginnings of some fun recipe and cooking posts though! Perhaps I'll find time this weekend or next to sit down and finish them. :)

I'm truckin' along though. Most days I classify as "mostly paleo" but that works for me right now so I'll take it. Yesterday turned out to be a 100% paleo day which was great.

Perhaps it's just a matter of building my "planning ahead" habits more so that eating cleanly becomes the new normal? I think I might be onto something there... :P

Had a midterm last night and I'm so glad that that's behind me! Now just 5 more school days until the beloved time off that is Thanksgiving. Just the thought of catching up on sleep makes me so happy! Haha.

Aside from all the foodie stuff, the most exciting thing in my world right now though is that I'm searching for a new Horn! It's been really fun looking around and playing on a whole bunch of horns...especially because I can actually afford to buy one should I find one I really like.

And the little added bonus to all of this is that I'm currently borrowing one that is perfectly in my price range that I'm, so far, really liking. I'm going to play on it for a few weeks and hopefully for some more trusted sets of ears but it looks promising so far. :)

That's all for now I suppose; I've got a 3 year old vying for my attention!
