Saturday, June 2, 2012

I got a flat tire :/ ...and my Allergies are killer!

Good morning y'all, Happy Saturday. :)

I'm up early with a few minutes to post before I go about my day so I thought I would check-in.

My exciting story for the day is that I got a flat tire late last night when I was leaving a friends house.  Bummer, right?  My friend jacked up my car and went to go take off the tire but it unfortunately was stuck on there.  So we ended up calling AAA and waited for over an hour for them to come.  When I finally got home, almost 2 hours later than I anticipated, I was very excited to crawl into bed.  I don't think it even took 5 minutes and I was out.  My kitty slept next to me all night too!  He's a cutie. :)

My choices were pretty good last night though, so go me!  I had a little bit of red wine with my friend (a glass or less) and then when I got hungry snacked on these veggie chips.  The ingredients were vegetables and oil. (Safflower, and soy!) Had I been at my place I probably would have snacked on something else but considering I was at my friend's house I was really happy with the find.  I also went for a Coke Zero towards the end of the night as well cause I wanted to be sure to be awake enough for the drive home.  It's all about the little victories for me so I'm going to go ahead and take that one. :P

Unfortunately, my allergies have been killer lately.  The pollen levels have been crazy high! I've been taking Claritin in hopes to help them but it doesn't seem to be doing much.  And if it is I can't even imagine what they would be like without anything.  I'm considering switching to another OTC antihistamine next time I go to the store in hopes that that may provide some additional relief.  *achoo!*

Today I'm headed to some rehearsals for a gig and am going to be dealing with being away from a kitchen all day.  It's always tricky to eat out on paleo, but I am determined to find a good place with good choices.  I also plan on packing some fruit, veggies, nuts, and a lara bar. Ah, the life of a caveman.

So that's what is happening with me in a nut shell.  Thanks for stopping by!

Next post: Water, and sleep.  Cause those are important.

Stay tuned!


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