Monday, January 9, 2012

Friend Makin' Monday's!

Despite being pretty new on the "blog scene" I have been following blogs for quite some time now.  Some of them are music related, some diet and exercise related, some super goofy and fun, and some are the blogs that my friends write.  I'm not always good with keeping up with them, by I try to keep up the best I can. 
With that said--one blog I follow is written by this gal named Kenlie over at and every Monday she does a "FMM" (friend-makin' Monday.)  So-to break up the paleo talk for a day I'm going to take part in it.  Here we go!

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: Getting To Know You

1) What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday? The only thing that's a requirement: sleeping in!  After that, all bets are off--sometimes I've got school work, sometimes I've got things planned with friends, and sometimes it's a combination of both. 

2) List your top three favorite TV shows.  Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Parenthood

3) Would you rather be in pictures or take them? I like both!  Most of the time though I find myself taking them, but that's only because I like having pictures to remember fun times by.  :)

4) Why do you blog? I started this blog to try to make these first 30 days on Paleo more exciting.  I also thought it would help me to stay accountable and might be fun for others to read!

5) Share five websites that you visit regularly…
~ itunes/spotify (I know it's not a website, but they involve internet connection so I'm going with it!)
~ and as of a couple days ago....twitter (I finally joined)

6) If you could have lunch with one person from your Twitter list who would it be? I can't choose just one...I would love to have lunch with Ellen Degeneres, Oprah, or Adele.

7) List a few of your favorite snacks. my take on what a snack is has changed a lot since starting paleo a few weeks back....  Larabar, piece of fruit, handful of nuts, carrots, or bell pepper

8 ) Do you have a pet? If so, what kind? I have a kitty!  His name is O'Malley and he is snuggled up right next to me. :)

9) Which three material possessions would you struggle to live without? my French Horn, my smart phone, and my bed and pillow.

10) What’s your favorite drink? alcoholic: Gin and tonic with extra lime.  other: Diet Mountain Dew.  But, I've been sticking to only water and tea since starting paleo!

11) Do you enjoy cooking? I love it!  Trying new recipes, cooking for friends, perfecting favorite dishes...I love it all.

12) Do you have children? Nope, but I hope to someday.

13) What are your favorite hobbies?  Playing music, cooking, traveling (wish I could travel more!)

14) Would you consider yourself to be shy or outgoing? I’m pretty outgoing most of the time but am definitely shy in certain situations. 

15) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? I’d like to be better at the Horn than I am (which I why I try to practice as much as possible), and I'd like to lose some weight (hence me eating paleo).

16) Who is your favorite actor/actress? I don't really know if I have one....for the sake of this survey I will say Meryl Streep and Brad Pitt. 

17) What’s the coolest thing you’ve done this week? I'm slowly but surely getting my life organized for the semester which I suppose is kinda cool.  Had some good phone conversations with friends too!
18) Do you live near your family or far from them? My mom's lives "close" (90 min away), my dad's side of the family live somewhat close (3-4 hrs), and the rest live in 3,000 miles away in California. :/

19) List three of your talents. I'd like to say I'm a pretty decent cook, pretty good at making music, and pretty perceptive in most situation. 

20) What is your greatest attribute? I'm an honest and hard worker. 


  1. I'm stopping by from FMM. I'm a fellow Diet Mountain Dew'er. I need to cut it back, if not out. I enjoyed learning some about you. Good luck with the Paleo.

  2. Stopping in from FMM

    I love Adele. There is just something about that voice of hers...

  3. stopping by fmm.

    Loved reading your list! Good luck with Paleo.

  4. stopping by from FMM.
    Now I'm curious and gonna have to research Paleo :)

  5. Thanks for these wonderful comments ladies! FMM is's a great way to connect with fellow bloggers. :) Hope to see you all around here more often now!

  6. Yet another one stopping by from FMM. Great answers. This is my first FMM and am loving getting to read all these new blogs I never would have stumbled across on my own. Looking forward to reading more about your Paleo journey - I'm intrigued.

  7. I agree - it's so nice to meet people this way and read their stories!! Have a great day!
