I remember always looking forward to Saturday mornings as a kid and would insist on sleeping as late as possible. And now? Well, I sleep in until 8a and I'm thrilled! :P
I'm headed to school shortly to practice some and am then headed to a workout class at 10:30a. This afternoon I have a lesson and this evening I'm headed to see the Springfield Symphony Orchestra play some Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and Beethoven! :) Sounds like an awesome Saturday to me and yes, I am about as nerdy as they come! haha
I'm looking forward to sitting down sometime soon (tomorrow hopefully) and writing a bit about my experiences on these first 30 days of paleo and maybe even a few things that I think really helped me along the way. And now with school starting I'm, once again, learning how to make it fit with my busy lifestyle.
But for now, I'm entering the official "Going Paleo for 30 days" weight loss results....
11 pounds!
-This was from eating pretty close to 100% paleo (minus a few hiccups towards the end) and working out about 2 days a week. Not bad, eh?
(Nothing changed from the previous day when I weighed in but this is now in the books as my official number of pounds lost in the first month.)
That's it for now, see you next time :)
Follow me as I work to make my paleo lifestyle more sustainable while also working towards my Doctorate degree in music.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Weekend trip to NYC and weigh-in for week 4
As promised I am here with my NYC trip update. In short, it went pretty well!
My first night away was spent at a dinner party at my friend Walker's house and I was so proud because I said no to baked brie in a puffed pastry! I LOVE brie cheese, so I was quite pleased with myself at the end of the night for being able to resist. :P Oh, and I also said no to super delicious bread. Go me! Here is the one surprising thing though: it surprisingly wasn't as difficult as I anticipated! Don't know exactly what that means but it's encouraging, nonetheless.
Breakfast Saturday morning was just like always and that brings us to our meal in the city....we went to this delicious mexican restaurant and had an awesome dinner. My entree was 100% paleo, but I gave in and had some chips with our guacamole. ....And then there was the alcohol.
I decide to indulge, and boy did it taste good! haha. I know there are a ton of calories and sugar in alcoholic drinks but it was totally worth it. I figure that you've got to live a little every once in a while, you know? Could I have done without it? Yes. But do I regret "cheating" on my diet? No. This is no longer just a "30-day thing" for me (more on that later), and so I figure that this is just a part of life. Sometimes you go out of town on the weekend for some fun and sometimes it's worth having a couple of drinks. I would have probably seen a lower number on the scale today had it not been for those drinks, but you know what? I'm totally ok with the number I saw and I'm still feeling pretty darn encouraged about this whole paleo thing. Indulging ever once in a while is just a part of life and I'm glad I did it. So there, that's that. :P
In other news, I went back to school this week. It has been so busy! I'm truly happy to be back but I almost forgot how busy school has been keeping me these days. Eating paleo so far has been pretty smooth sailing though! (woohoo!) The one thing I'm currently stuck on is that I have no idea how I'm going to maintain a good sleeping schedule yet. I'm endeavoring to make it a priority, but how the heck do you go to bed at a reasonable hour when your to-do list is incredibly long? Is there any way to make 6a not come so early?! ....If you hear of a miracle, let me know! :P It's going well though, and I'm plan to make the most out of my last semester here.
And lastly, my weigh-in for week 4.
Today marks day 29 and I have lost exactly 11 pounds. Pretty sweet, right?! The weight loss has obviously slowed down since the beginning but consistent losses each week really add up! I'm hoping that this upcoming week will get me "back to the basics" of eating 100% paleo and that the scale will drop perhaps a little more than these past two weeks. My goal: to lose 3.2 pounds. Think I can do it? :)
With tomorrow being day 30 I'm planning on weighing myself one more time so I can get an "official" 30 day weigh in, so stay tuned for that! And also be sure to check back sometime over the weekend because I'm planning on writing some sort of reaction post about these first 30 days and future plans as well.
Thanks of stopping by and I'll see ya next time!
My first night away was spent at a dinner party at my friend Walker's house and I was so proud because I said no to baked brie in a puffed pastry! I LOVE brie cheese, so I was quite pleased with myself at the end of the night for being able to resist. :P Oh, and I also said no to super delicious bread. Go me! Here is the one surprising thing though: it surprisingly wasn't as difficult as I anticipated! Don't know exactly what that means but it's encouraging, nonetheless.
Breakfast Saturday morning was just like always and that brings us to our meal in the city....we went to this delicious mexican restaurant and had an awesome dinner. My entree was 100% paleo, but I gave in and had some chips with our guacamole. ....And then there was the alcohol.
I decide to indulge, and boy did it taste good! haha. I know there are a ton of calories and sugar in alcoholic drinks but it was totally worth it. I figure that you've got to live a little every once in a while, you know? Could I have done without it? Yes. But do I regret "cheating" on my diet? No. This is no longer just a "30-day thing" for me (more on that later), and so I figure that this is just a part of life. Sometimes you go out of town on the weekend for some fun and sometimes it's worth having a couple of drinks. I would have probably seen a lower number on the scale today had it not been for those drinks, but you know what? I'm totally ok with the number I saw and I'm still feeling pretty darn encouraged about this whole paleo thing. Indulging ever once in a while is just a part of life and I'm glad I did it. So there, that's that. :P
In other news, I went back to school this week. It has been so busy! I'm truly happy to be back but I almost forgot how busy school has been keeping me these days. Eating paleo so far has been pretty smooth sailing though! (woohoo!) The one thing I'm currently stuck on is that I have no idea how I'm going to maintain a good sleeping schedule yet. I'm endeavoring to make it a priority, but how the heck do you go to bed at a reasonable hour when your to-do list is incredibly long? Is there any way to make 6a not come so early?! ....If you hear of a miracle, let me know! :P It's going well though, and I'm plan to make the most out of my last semester here.
And lastly, my weigh-in for week 4.
Today marks day 29 and I have lost exactly 11 pounds. Pretty sweet, right?! The weight loss has obviously slowed down since the beginning but consistent losses each week really add up! I'm hoping that this upcoming week will get me "back to the basics" of eating 100% paleo and that the scale will drop perhaps a little more than these past two weeks. My goal: to lose 3.2 pounds. Think I can do it? :)
With tomorrow being day 30 I'm planning on weighing myself one more time so I can get an "official" 30 day weigh in, so stay tuned for that! And also be sure to check back sometime over the weekend because I'm planning on writing some sort of reaction post about these first 30 days and future plans as well.
Thanks of stopping by and I'll see ya next time!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Friend Makin' Monday!
Hi everyone! Time for Friend Makin' Mondays today. Had a great time in NYC this weekend...check back for that post in the next day or so!! Today was also the first day of the semester at school, so bare with me while I get back into school mode. But for now, enjoy FMM!
It’s Monday again, and you know what that means! It’s time for Friend Makin’ Mondays so let’s get started…
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! And don’t forget…If you have an idea for FMM, send me an e-mail with the details, and you might see it here! Happy Monday!
thanks guys, see you next time!
It’s Monday again, and you know what that means! It’s time for Friend Makin’ Mondays so let’s get started…
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: Short Answers
- Mac or PC? Definitely Mac
- Do you paint your own nails? No :( I'm awful at it in fact.
- Beach or mountains? Definitely both depending on my mood. Love them both.
- What’s the title of the book you’re currently reading? The Inner Game of Tennis
- Do you dance? Heck yes! I think its fun....especially in the car. hehe.
- CNN or Fox News? Honestly, neither. I read online articles from a variety of sources and listen to the news on the radio at work in the mornings.
- Do you ride a bicycle? I love biking. love love love it.
- Do you get a yearly flu shot? Sometimes...some years I do and some years I dont
- Best movie you’ve seen in 2012? Well, the only movie I've seen in 2012 so far is "Friends with Benefits" but I've got plans to see Iron Lady later this week!
- Do you prefer to workout at home or at the gym? It depends...I worked out at home over the summer during p90x but now I workout at the gym.... I think I like the gym more.
- Last airport you were in? Bradley International Airport, on my way home from cali
- Married or single? Single
- iPhone or Android?Android. (but I want an iphone!)
- Do you prefer to be in pictures or taking pictures? I like both equally
- Favorite brand of sneakers? I think I have asics, and I like them
- Do you like snow? sure
- Do you have/want to have kids? Want.
- Summer or Winter? Either, so long as they are both mild :)
- Do you know how to swim? Yep. I like it a lot.
- Do you prefer to shop in store or online? Mostly in store, but it somewhat depends what I'm shopping for.
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! And don’t forget…If you have an idea for FMM, send me an e-mail with the details, and you might see it here! Happy Monday!
thanks guys, see you next time!
Friday, January 20, 2012
More 'Mini-Victories' and a Weekend away from my Kitchen
Hello Everyone! Just wanted to check in and say hello! :D
Things have been good since weigh-in day, although I've been a little sleepier than normal! Cravings are gone though so I am counting my blessings.
I put on a pair of dress pants yesterday and they fit my better than they did when I bought them back in September! It was awesome. :) And yesterday at the gym I was watching myself workout (come on, you all know you do it too!) and I noticed that my thighs were starting to looker thinner! So, we've had a couple of small victories that have kept me motivated. I also made myself a steak last night for dinner with some carmelized onions and broccoli....it totally hit the spot. :)
I start up school again on Monday, so I'm taking advantage of this last weekend and am going to go play a little bit. I'm going with a friend to have go have my Horn looked at for some repair work down in New Jersey and, among a few other errands, we are going to spend part of Saturday and Saturday night in NYC. (We are even going to try and catch a show!) I'm really looking forward to it, I think it will be exactly what I need.
So, with that said--this weekend is going to be an adventure in eating away from my kitchen. I'm up for it and I determined to be successful. (I must say though...I'm contemplating have 1 drink on Saturday night.) I will be back on Sunday and or Monday with a report of how it all goes.
Have a nice weekend everybody :)
See you next time.
Things have been good since weigh-in day, although I've been a little sleepier than normal! Cravings are gone though so I am counting my blessings.
I put on a pair of dress pants yesterday and they fit my better than they did when I bought them back in September! It was awesome. :) And yesterday at the gym I was watching myself workout (come on, you all know you do it too!) and I noticed that my thighs were starting to looker thinner! So, we've had a couple of small victories that have kept me motivated. I also made myself a steak last night for dinner with some carmelized onions and broccoli....it totally hit the spot. :)
I start up school again on Monday, so I'm taking advantage of this last weekend and am going to go play a little bit. I'm going with a friend to have go have my Horn looked at for some repair work down in New Jersey and, among a few other errands, we are going to spend part of Saturday and Saturday night in NYC. (We are even going to try and catch a show!) I'm really looking forward to it, I think it will be exactly what I need.
So, with that said--this weekend is going to be an adventure in eating away from my kitchen. I'm up for it and I determined to be successful. (I must say though...I'm contemplating have 1 drink on Saturday night.) I will be back on Sunday and or Monday with a report of how it all goes.
Have a nice weekend everybody :)
See you next time.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Weigh-in for Week 3
Well, it looks like me posting everyday has somewhat evolved to every few days. oops! Will you forgive me? :P
To reflect on this week I must say that PMSing while on paleo is difficult! (Sorry if that's TMI) I managed not to "cheat" or anything, but I definitely was eating more fruit than normal and ate way more almonds than I'd like to talk about. The lesson learned there: do not buy almonds. It doesn't end well! (For me, at least)
On Monday evening I made a pan-fried apple which was so delicious! I really really wanted chocolate and ice cream (ha!) so decided on an apple instead. After quartering the apple I cut it into really thin slices. Then I put the juice of a half of lemon, some vanilla extract, and some cinnamon in a bowl and coated the apples. Meanwhile I melted 1 tablespoon of butter down and got it pretty hot. Then I just threw the apples in the pan and cooked them up! It took maybe 5 or 6 minutes once they were in the pan. It totally hit the spot. It tasted like I was having warm apple pie.
Yesterday I made sure to eat 100% cleanly and sort of went "back to the basics" in hopes to make today's weigh in a good one. I drank a ton of water and got a great workout in as well too! And, I did my whole workout in my five-finger shoes! It was great. I'm super happy with my purchase.
So now for the results of the week.....drum roll!!
I'm down another .4 pounds for a total of 9.6 pounds lost in 3 weeks.
I'll take it! To be honest, I was really nervous about today's weigh in because I was less than thrilled with how my eating went on Sunday and Monday. So--to lose at all is a good thing in my book. And hey, it's still a good total of weight for the 3 weeks. And one other small victory...this is the lightest I've been in about 3 1/2 years!
My plan for the week ahead is to keep doing what I'm doing and not let silly cravings get the best of me if they appear again. I also am in the process of coming up with a game plan for this weekend because I'm going out of town for part of it and will, obviously, be away from my kitchen. How do I stay on track while on vacation? I'm determined to be successful so we will have to see what I come up with!
Thanks for stopping by, see you next time!
To reflect on this week I must say that PMSing while on paleo is difficult! (Sorry if that's TMI) I managed not to "cheat" or anything, but I definitely was eating more fruit than normal and ate way more almonds than I'd like to talk about. The lesson learned there: do not buy almonds. It doesn't end well! (For me, at least)
On Monday evening I made a pan-fried apple which was so delicious! I really really wanted chocolate and ice cream (ha!) so decided on an apple instead. After quartering the apple I cut it into really thin slices. Then I put the juice of a half of lemon, some vanilla extract, and some cinnamon in a bowl and coated the apples. Meanwhile I melted 1 tablespoon of butter down and got it pretty hot. Then I just threw the apples in the pan and cooked them up! It took maybe 5 or 6 minutes once they were in the pan. It totally hit the spot. It tasted like I was having warm apple pie.
Yesterday I made sure to eat 100% cleanly and sort of went "back to the basics" in hopes to make today's weigh in a good one. I drank a ton of water and got a great workout in as well too! And, I did my whole workout in my five-finger shoes! It was great. I'm super happy with my purchase.
So now for the results of the week.....drum roll!!
I'm down another .4 pounds for a total of 9.6 pounds lost in 3 weeks.
I'll take it! To be honest, I was really nervous about today's weigh in because I was less than thrilled with how my eating went on Sunday and Monday. So--to lose at all is a good thing in my book. And hey, it's still a good total of weight for the 3 weeks. And one other small victory...this is the lightest I've been in about 3 1/2 years!
My plan for the week ahead is to keep doing what I'm doing and not let silly cravings get the best of me if they appear again. I also am in the process of coming up with a game plan for this weekend because I'm going out of town for part of it and will, obviously, be away from my kitchen. How do I stay on track while on vacation? I'm determined to be successful so we will have to see what I come up with!
Thanks for stopping by, see you next time!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Weekend Fun
First I must sincerely apologize for not making an appearance on here yesterday! Rest assured though, I've still been on track despite my absence!
So, rewinding to Friday night....I made an all paleo dinner!
Here was the menu:
Appetizer- Deviled eggs (with homemade mayonnaise!)
Dinner: Shrimp Curry with a Broccoli salad
(I had a dessert planned too but it got to be too late)
I had never made homemade mayonnaise before so it was a fun adventure. I just googled "paleo mayonnaise," and found this recipe:
Instead of a blender I made it in my KitchenAid mixer (with the whisk). And I ended up juicing a half of a lemon into it at the end as well. The results: definitely didn't taste like mayo from the store, but it worked well for the deviled eggs and the dressing for the salad. And I'm going to use some of the leftovers in my tuna salad later this week. :)
Here is a picture of my deviled eggs:
The whole meal was a lot of fun and none of us felt cheated out of carbs. :) Success!
I also got a new pair of shoes, which I am super excited about....
They are called five-finger shoes, and the website is here:
I have been wanting a pair for quite some time and can't wait to start working out in them. yay!
The rest of the weekend has been full of relaxing, practicing my Horn, and hanging out with friends. It's been great. And, oh wait...I forgot--FOOTBALL! I took some time out of my Saturday to watch the 49ers game. It was epic. Such an awesome finish! I'm so proud to be from the Bay Area and cannot wait for them to take on the NY Giants next weekend!
I do have to put out a bit of a disclaimer though....I've had some cravings the past two days. Not fun! I've stuck with paleo fine, but I have to say--I've had my fair share of fruit and almonds the past couple of days. I'm going to go back to the basics tomorrow and am just hoping that the cravings go away. I sure hope a good night's sleep and a fresh start tomorrow will help!
That's all for now...see you next time! :)
So, rewinding to Friday night....I made an all paleo dinner!
Here was the menu:
Appetizer- Deviled eggs (with homemade mayonnaise!)
Dinner: Shrimp Curry with a Broccoli salad
(I had a dessert planned too but it got to be too late)
I had never made homemade mayonnaise before so it was a fun adventure. I just googled "paleo mayonnaise," and found this recipe:
Instead of a blender I made it in my KitchenAid mixer (with the whisk). And I ended up juicing a half of a lemon into it at the end as well. The results: definitely didn't taste like mayo from the store, but it worked well for the deviled eggs and the dressing for the salad. And I'm going to use some of the leftovers in my tuna salad later this week. :)
Here is a picture of my deviled eggs:
Moving on to the main course-
I got the broccoli salad recipe here: http://paleodietlifestyle.com/bacon-grape-broccoli-salad/
And here is a picture:
And the shrimp curry recipe is here:
I took the tails off of my shrimp, used 1/2 fat coconut milk (it's what Trader Joes had), and added about twice as much spinach as the recipe called for. It tasted great! Here is a picture:
![]() |
I couldn't get a good picture...but it was delish! |
The whole meal was a lot of fun and none of us felt cheated out of carbs. :) Success!
I also got a new pair of shoes, which I am super excited about....
![]() | |
Me and my friend Walker both got a pair! |
I have been wanting a pair for quite some time and can't wait to start working out in them. yay!
The rest of the weekend has been full of relaxing, practicing my Horn, and hanging out with friends. It's been great. And, oh wait...I forgot--FOOTBALL! I took some time out of my Saturday to watch the 49ers game. It was epic. Such an awesome finish! I'm so proud to be from the Bay Area and cannot wait for them to take on the NY Giants next weekend!
I do have to put out a bit of a disclaimer though....I've had some cravings the past two days. Not fun! I've stuck with paleo fine, but I have to say--I've had my fair share of fruit and almonds the past couple of days. I'm going to go back to the basics tomorrow and am just hoping that the cravings go away. I sure hope a good night's sleep and a fresh start tomorrow will help!
That's all for now...see you next time! :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Yesterday Was a Good Day.
The exciting news for the day is that I am now officially a member of the aerobics and fitness studio that I've been going to for the past two weeks! I went to another class last night and decided to go for it. They make it pretty affordable and there isn't a long term commitment or contract or anything which is nice as well. So in order to make the membership worth it (as opposed to just paying their drop in fees) I need to attend 7 classes per month. My goal is to consistently go 2-3 times a week but if nothing else I will at least be going 7 times. :P
I am also having a few friends over for dinner tonight and I am super excited to cook an all paleo meal for them! :) We are going to do an appetizer, main course, and dessert. And don't worry, I will be sure to take some pictures and post about the recipes tomorrow. ;)
And lastly, I just have to say how blessed and thankful I was yesterday when I opened up a check from one of my employers and I had a $200 Christmas bonus added on to my paycheck. I know it doesn't have anything to do with "going paleo for 30 days," but I was just blown away and super excited so wanted to share. Philippians 4:19 and Ephesians 3:20 immediately came to mind upon opening that check. :)
So yea, yesterday was a good day! Today has been good so far too...except I've gotten quite the slow start! Oh well! I'm off to conquer the day and I'll be sure to come back tomorrow with photos and recipes. :)
One last thing: Go 49ers!!!!!!
see you next time....
I am also having a few friends over for dinner tonight and I am super excited to cook an all paleo meal for them! :) We are going to do an appetizer, main course, and dessert. And don't worry, I will be sure to take some pictures and post about the recipes tomorrow. ;)
And lastly, I just have to say how blessed and thankful I was yesterday when I opened up a check from one of my employers and I had a $200 Christmas bonus added on to my paycheck. I know it doesn't have anything to do with "going paleo for 30 days," but I was just blown away and super excited so wanted to share. Philippians 4:19 and Ephesians 3:20 immediately came to mind upon opening that check. :)
So yea, yesterday was a good day! Today has been good so far too...except I've gotten quite the slow start! Oh well! I'm off to conquer the day and I'll be sure to come back tomorrow with photos and recipes. :)
One last thing: Go 49ers!!!!!!
see you next time....
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 15
Well, after today I am officially half way done with my "30 days of Paleo." (It's gone fast!)
I'm not quite sure what there is to report after yesterday other than I'm still working on my "spaghetti" leftovers! haha
In all serious though, I've hit a groove and it's been pretty smooth sailing for the past week or so. Breakfasts have become slightly more challenging just because eggs have lost some of their appeal but a few days of hardboiled instead of scrambled have kept me happy.
Seltzer water and tea are both really helping me get my water in and I've found a workout class that pushes me and is really fun. (I'm headed there later this evening in fact!)
I am interested to see how week 3 goes though...I wonder what the scale is going to look like next week!
But for now, things are going well and there isn't a whole lot to report. With that said, I'm off to go get some work done but I'll be sure to check back in tomorrow. :) thanks for stopping by!
I'm not quite sure what there is to report after yesterday other than I'm still working on my "spaghetti" leftovers! haha
In all serious though, I've hit a groove and it's been pretty smooth sailing for the past week or so. Breakfasts have become slightly more challenging just because eggs have lost some of their appeal but a few days of hardboiled instead of scrambled have kept me happy.
Seltzer water and tea are both really helping me get my water in and I've found a workout class that pushes me and is really fun. (I'm headed there later this evening in fact!)
I am interested to see how week 3 goes though...I wonder what the scale is going to look like next week!
But for now, things are going well and there isn't a whole lot to report. With that said, I'm off to go get some work done but I'll be sure to check back in tomorrow. :) thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Weigh in for week 2
I was once again pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning! (I even weighed myself twice to make sure!) Weight loss always slows down week 2 of diets so I was hoping for a loss but didn't have any sort of number in mind.
Here are the results...
down another 3.4 pounds!
and a total loss of 9.2 pounds!!
....in two weeks. Seriously?!
When I hear about people losing this much weight this quickly I always wonder how safe it is because medical professionals suggest people losing no more than 2 pounds a week, and obviously I am far over that. But, I can't help but think it's okay because I don't feel like I'm limiting myself with the food I can eat. I'm not starving myself in hopes to make the scale go down....I'm just eating within the boundaries of paleo when I get hungry and eat until I'm not anymore. Seems simple enough, right?
I really am thrilled though...it's very encouraging to see the scale go down two weeks in a row. :) So I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing and take it one day at a time!
That's all for now....see you all tomorrow!
Here are the results...
down another 3.4 pounds!
and a total loss of 9.2 pounds!!
....in two weeks. Seriously?!
When I hear about people losing this much weight this quickly I always wonder how safe it is because medical professionals suggest people losing no more than 2 pounds a week, and obviously I am far over that. But, I can't help but think it's okay because I don't feel like I'm limiting myself with the food I can eat. I'm not starving myself in hopes to make the scale go down....I'm just eating within the boundaries of paleo when I get hungry and eat until I'm not anymore. Seems simple enough, right?
I really am thrilled though...it's very encouraging to see the scale go down two weeks in a row. :) So I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing and take it one day at a time!
That's all for now....see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Paleo Spaghetti with Homemade Meat and Veggie Sauce
I was productive yesterday! It was exactly what I needed to feel like I was "back on track." phew!
I ended up going to the Zumba class that I had been wanting to try yesterday evening...it was a lot of fun! But I have to say, it wasn't nearly as good of a workout as the Body Step class was last week. I'm glad I went but I'm definitely going to Body Step tonight...I want to get my butt kicked! haha.
In other news...I made spaghetti and meat sauce! I've been looking forward to this for some time and I'd say it was a successful venture! I went off of a couple of recipes and altered them some and was happy with the final product.
The two recipe's I looked at can be found here:
So....to make spaghetti when you eating grains you use spaghetti squash! I had no idea that this thing even existed until a few months ago and was amazing at how much it looks like spaghetti after it's cooked.
It looks like this before you cook it:
Step 4: Let things cook!
-I knew that my squash was down when it started to get a little brown on the edges. So I took it out of the oven and turned it into spaghetti. Essentially you take a fork and pierce the squash and pull and it spaghetti starts to appear. It sounds sort of silly....here is a picture that might make it make a little more sense.
Since the squash was fresh out of the oven it was obviously still warm, so I used a pot holder to help stabilize it and the used my fork with the free hand.
At this point you are ready to eat! This made a TON of pasta and a TON of sauce. Great if you are feeding a family and in my case, I will have lots of leftovers!
Here is what the final product looked like:
I was happy with how it turned out and hopefully the leftovers will taste as good as it did last night!
That's about it for now but be sure to check-in tomorrow for weigh-in day, here's hoping for the number on the scale to be lower than it was last week! :)
I ended up going to the Zumba class that I had been wanting to try yesterday evening...it was a lot of fun! But I have to say, it wasn't nearly as good of a workout as the Body Step class was last week. I'm glad I went but I'm definitely going to Body Step tonight...I want to get my butt kicked! haha.
In other news...I made spaghetti and meat sauce! I've been looking forward to this for some time and I'd say it was a successful venture! I went off of a couple of recipes and altered them some and was happy with the final product.
The two recipe's I looked at can be found here:
So....to make spaghetti when you eating grains you use spaghetti squash! I had no idea that this thing even existed until a few months ago and was amazing at how much it looks like spaghetti after it's cooked.
It looks like this before you cook it:
The rest of the ingredients are as follows:
1 pound of ground beef (grass-fed and organic if possible)
1 onion
3-4 carrots
4-5 stalks of celery
spices (thyme, oregano, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and anything else you want!)
a whole bunch of mushrooms (I used a whole basket! haha)
1 zuchini
1 can of tomato paste
2 cans of diced of tomatoes
Step 1: pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
Step 2: cut the squash and get it ready for the oven
The first challenge was cutting the squash in half length-wise. What I ended up doing was microwaving it for a minute and then cutting it in half....that made is so much easier! The directions I read were to bake it with the cut side down but that didn't really get the squash cooking very quickly so I would actually suggest baking it cut side up. Once it's ready to go in the oven you can start working on your meat sauce.
Step 3: Make your meat sauce!
-First, brown your ground beef until the meat is cooked.
-Once the meat is cooked take it out of the pot with a slotted spoon and set it aside.
-Then saute your chopped up onions, carrots, mushrooms, celery, and zuchini.
-Once those start to get cooked up add whatever spices you choose and cook it for just a couple more minutes. (At this point put your squash in the oven!!)
-Then add your 2 cans of tomatoes, and can of tomato paste and mix it all up!
-At this point you can cook it for as little of as long as you choose....I think I ended up cooking it for about 30 additional minutes. (And about 15 minutes in I did a taste test and added more spices)
Step 4: Let things cook!
-I knew that my squash was down when it started to get a little brown on the edges. So I took it out of the oven and turned it into spaghetti. Essentially you take a fork and pierce the squash and pull and it spaghetti starts to appear. It sounds sort of silly....here is a picture that might make it make a little more sense.
Since the squash was fresh out of the oven it was obviously still warm, so I used a pot holder to help stabilize it and the used my fork with the free hand.
At this point you are ready to eat! This made a TON of pasta and a TON of sauce. Great if you are feeding a family and in my case, I will have lots of leftovers!
Here is what the final product looked like:
![]() |
delish! |
That's about it for now but be sure to check-in tomorrow for weigh-in day, here's hoping for the number on the scale to be lower than it was last week! :)
Monday, January 9, 2012
Friend Makin' Monday's!
Despite being pretty new on the "blog scene" I have been following blogs for quite some time now. Some of them are music related, some diet and exercise related, some super goofy and fun, and some are the blogs that my friends write. I'm not always good with keeping up with them, by I try to keep up the best I can.
With that said--one blog I follow is written by this gal named Kenlie over at alltheweigh.com and every Monday she does a "FMM" (friend-makin' Monday.) So-to break up the paleo talk for a day I'm going to take part in it. Here we go!
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
1) What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday? The only thing that's a requirement: sleeping in! After that, all bets are off--sometimes I've got school work, sometimes I've got things planned with friends, and sometimes it's a combination of both.
2) List your top three favorite TV shows. Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Parenthood
3) Would you rather be in pictures or take them? I like both! Most of the time though I find myself taking them, but that's only because I like having pictures to remember fun times by. :)
4) Why do you blog? I started this blog to try to make these first 30 days on Paleo more exciting. I also thought it would help me to stay accountable and might be fun for others to read!
5) Share five websites that you visit regularly…
~ gmail.com
~ facebook.com
~ hornexcerpts.org
~ itunes/spotify (I know it's not a website, but they involve internet connection so I'm going with it!)
~ and as of a couple days ago....twitter (I finally joined)
6) If you could have lunch with one person from your Twitter list who would it be? I can't choose just one...I would love to have lunch with Ellen Degeneres, Oprah, or Adele.
7) List a few of your favorite snacks. my take on what a snack is has changed a lot since starting paleo a few weeks back.... Larabar, piece of fruit, handful of nuts, carrots, or bell pepper
8 ) Do you have a pet? If so, what kind? I have a kitty! His name is O'Malley and he is snuggled up right next to me. :)
9) Which three material possessions would you struggle to live without? my French Horn, my smart phone, and my bed and pillow.
10) What’s your favorite drink? alcoholic: Gin and tonic with extra lime. other: Diet Mountain Dew. But, I've been sticking to only water and tea since starting paleo!
11) Do you enjoy cooking? I love it! Trying new recipes, cooking for friends, perfecting favorite dishes...I love it all.
12) Do you have children? Nope, but I hope to someday.
13) What are your favorite hobbies? Playing music, cooking, traveling (wish I could travel more!)
14) Would you consider yourself to be shy or outgoing? I’m pretty outgoing most of the time but am definitely shy in certain situations.
15) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? I’d like to be better at the Horn than I am (which I why I try to practice as much as possible), and I'd like to lose some weight (hence me eating paleo).
16) Who is your favorite actor/actress? I don't really know if I have one....for the sake of this survey I will say Meryl Streep and Brad Pitt.
17) What’s the coolest thing you’ve done this week? I'm slowly but surely getting my life organized for the semester which I suppose is kinda cool. Had some good phone conversations with friends too!
18) Do you live near your family or far from them? My mom's lives "close" (90 min away), my dad's side of the family live somewhat close (3-4 hrs), and the rest live in 3,000 miles away in California. :/
19) List three of your talents. I'd like to say I'm a pretty decent cook, pretty good at making music, and pretty perceptive in most situation.
20) What is your greatest attribute? I'm an honest and hard worker.
With that said--one blog I follow is written by this gal named Kenlie over at alltheweigh.com and every Monday she does a "FMM" (friend-makin' Monday.) So-to break up the paleo talk for a day I'm going to take part in it. Here we go!
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: Getting To Know You
1) What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday? The only thing that's a requirement: sleeping in! After that, all bets are off--sometimes I've got school work, sometimes I've got things planned with friends, and sometimes it's a combination of both.
2) List your top three favorite TV shows. Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Parenthood
3) Would you rather be in pictures or take them? I like both! Most of the time though I find myself taking them, but that's only because I like having pictures to remember fun times by. :)
4) Why do you blog? I started this blog to try to make these first 30 days on Paleo more exciting. I also thought it would help me to stay accountable and might be fun for others to read!
5) Share five websites that you visit regularly…
~ gmail.com
~ facebook.com
~ hornexcerpts.org
~ itunes/spotify (I know it's not a website, but they involve internet connection so I'm going with it!)
~ and as of a couple days ago....twitter (I finally joined)
6) If you could have lunch with one person from your Twitter list who would it be? I can't choose just one...I would love to have lunch with Ellen Degeneres, Oprah, or Adele.
7) List a few of your favorite snacks. my take on what a snack is has changed a lot since starting paleo a few weeks back.... Larabar, piece of fruit, handful of nuts, carrots, or bell pepper
8 ) Do you have a pet? If so, what kind? I have a kitty! His name is O'Malley and he is snuggled up right next to me. :)
9) Which three material possessions would you struggle to live without? my French Horn, my smart phone, and my bed and pillow.
10) What’s your favorite drink? alcoholic: Gin and tonic with extra lime. other: Diet Mountain Dew. But, I've been sticking to only water and tea since starting paleo!
11) Do you enjoy cooking? I love it! Trying new recipes, cooking for friends, perfecting favorite dishes...I love it all.
12) Do you have children? Nope, but I hope to someday.
13) What are your favorite hobbies? Playing music, cooking, traveling (wish I could travel more!)
14) Would you consider yourself to be shy or outgoing? I’m pretty outgoing most of the time but am definitely shy in certain situations.
15) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? I’d like to be better at the Horn than I am (which I why I try to practice as much as possible), and I'd like to lose some weight (hence me eating paleo).
16) Who is your favorite actor/actress? I don't really know if I have one....for the sake of this survey I will say Meryl Streep and Brad Pitt.
17) What’s the coolest thing you’ve done this week? I'm slowly but surely getting my life organized for the semester which I suppose is kinda cool. Had some good phone conversations with friends too!
18) Do you live near your family or far from them? My mom's lives "close" (90 min away), my dad's side of the family live somewhat close (3-4 hrs), and the rest live in 3,000 miles away in California. :/
19) List three of your talents. I'd like to say I'm a pretty decent cook, pretty good at making music, and pretty perceptive in most situation.
20) What is your greatest attribute? I'm an honest and hard worker.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Day 12
I wasn't as productive this weekend as I had hoped. :( Today was better than yesterday on the productivity scale and I am going to be sure that tomorrow is better than today. Gotta get back on track!
Why is it that when I have less to do I end up not getting much done but when I'm super busy with a lengthy to do list I somehow always manage to pull it off? I love having this break from school, I just need to be sure I take full advantage of it and not waste the break away.....*sigh* I suppose as long as I'm getting my practicing in everyday I'm getting everything that I "have" to get done done, but that's not enough to keep me feeling productive.
Anyways, enough of the pity party....on to the fun stuff!
I made salmon tonight for dinner with some sauteed spinach....yum! The salmon came pre-packaged from Trader Joe's and was already marinated so it made for a very tasty fish. Have some leftovers too which will be good for lunch tomorrow.
And then tomorrow night I'm going to make spaghetti and meat sauce. How exactly do you make spaghetti without any sort of grain? Some of you may be able to figure it out, but for those that have no clue....check back! I'm going to endeavor to take pictures throughout the cooking process and will be sure to post the recipe too. It will definitely be a first for me, and maybe for you too? I hope it's yummy!
My cravings have been creeping back over the past couple of days, but I think it's because I haven't been keeping myself challenged when it comes to what I'm eating. So tomorrow is going to be a good day....without cravings. (I'm determined for it not to be!) :P
I'm also going to be sure I get a workout in. That was one of the bummers of the day....I slept through my alarm this morning and didn't make it in, so that will happen tomorrow. Think I'm going to try and do it in the morning and get it out of the way, but there is a class in the afternoon that I'd really like to try at some point as well so I may end up doing that instead. We will see how I feel in the morning and go from there. :)
2 more days until another weigh in....gotta make them count!
see you next time
Why is it that when I have less to do I end up not getting much done but when I'm super busy with a lengthy to do list I somehow always manage to pull it off? I love having this break from school, I just need to be sure I take full advantage of it and not waste the break away.....*sigh* I suppose as long as I'm getting my practicing in everyday I'm getting everything that I "have" to get done done, but that's not enough to keep me feeling productive.
Anyways, enough of the pity party....on to the fun stuff!
I made salmon tonight for dinner with some sauteed spinach....yum! The salmon came pre-packaged from Trader Joe's and was already marinated so it made for a very tasty fish. Have some leftovers too which will be good for lunch tomorrow.
And then tomorrow night I'm going to make spaghetti and meat sauce. How exactly do you make spaghetti without any sort of grain? Some of you may be able to figure it out, but for those that have no clue....check back! I'm going to endeavor to take pictures throughout the cooking process and will be sure to post the recipe too. It will definitely be a first for me, and maybe for you too? I hope it's yummy!
My cravings have been creeping back over the past couple of days, but I think it's because I haven't been keeping myself challenged when it comes to what I'm eating. So tomorrow is going to be a good day....without cravings. (I'm determined for it not to be!) :P
I'm also going to be sure I get a workout in. That was one of the bummers of the day....I slept through my alarm this morning and didn't make it in, so that will happen tomorrow. Think I'm going to try and do it in the morning and get it out of the way, but there is a class in the afternoon that I'd really like to try at some point as well so I may end up doing that instead. We will see how I feel in the morning and go from there. :)
2 more days until another weigh in....gotta make them count!
see you next time
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Day 11 today!
I'm happy to be finally increasing my water because people always say it's a great tool for weight loss. But you know what happened? I woke up super early this morning needing to use the restroom. Can't say I was too thrilled.....it's one of my days to sleep in! Thankfully I managed to go back to sleep for another couple of hours. (I always have the weirdest dreams when I wake up and go back to sleep like that. really really weird!)
The one other thing I was going to mention last night was my most recent shopping trip. I hate grocery shopping when the store is busy....it drives me nuts and NO ONE seems to ever have any sort of sense of their surroundings. Well, I went shopping last night after I finished practicing and it was practically empty! Granted, I'm not too surprised considering it was Friday night but I still was quite pleased. (As you can see my Friday night plans were super exciting...)
Everything is re-stocked and I'm ready for the week! I bought one of those pre-made rotisserie chickens so I could have some chicken on hand if I ever need something quick. I think it's going to work well for me because I'm definitely one of those people that likes to pack some sort of snack/meal right before I head out the door. And I already got all of the meat into a tupperware so we are good to go!
I also bought some more bottles of seltzer which I'm sort of excited about. (It's weird that I'm excited about seltzer, I know) But they had a peaches and cream flavor that I'm excited to try! And a new flavor of Larabar...Lemon! I love lemon so I think it's going to be a winner. I now have some fun meal ideas planned for the week as well too, so be sure to check back for recipes!
In other news I peeked at the scale again this morning and my number went down more! Some people don't like to weigh in more than once a week but I was somewhat curious. :) I'm not thinking too much of it because it's really about the Wednesday weigh ins but it's nice to have a sense of how things are going.
I think that's about it for now. Enjoy your weekend everybody and I'll catch ya tomorrow.
The one other thing I was going to mention last night was my most recent shopping trip. I hate grocery shopping when the store is busy....it drives me nuts and NO ONE seems to ever have any sort of sense of their surroundings. Well, I went shopping last night after I finished practicing and it was practically empty! Granted, I'm not too surprised considering it was Friday night but I still was quite pleased. (As you can see my Friday night plans were super exciting...)
Everything is re-stocked and I'm ready for the week! I bought one of those pre-made rotisserie chickens so I could have some chicken on hand if I ever need something quick. I think it's going to work well for me because I'm definitely one of those people that likes to pack some sort of snack/meal right before I head out the door. And I already got all of the meat into a tupperware so we are good to go!
I also bought some more bottles of seltzer which I'm sort of excited about. (It's weird that I'm excited about seltzer, I know) But they had a peaches and cream flavor that I'm excited to try! And a new flavor of Larabar...Lemon! I love lemon so I think it's going to be a winner. I now have some fun meal ideas planned for the week as well too, so be sure to check back for recipes!
In other news I peeked at the scale again this morning and my number went down more! Some people don't like to weigh in more than once a week but I was somewhat curious. :) I'm not thinking too much of it because it's really about the Wednesday weigh ins but it's nice to have a sense of how things are going.
I think that's about it for now. Enjoy your weekend everybody and I'll catch ya tomorrow.
more small steps forward
Well, I feel like a little bit of a hypocrite....literally hours after I wrote my last post I got asked to go out to eat. And you know what? I said yes.
But--I am SO GLAD I did! I had much better success and was actually quite proud that at how successful I was. We went to Chili's and there they have lunch combo's that usually come with two of the following: 1/2 sandwich, bowl of soup, and a house salad. And then, you get some french fries to top it off! So what am I to do? First, I brought my own salad dressing from home. (genius!) I ordered a cobb salad with no cheese or dressing, got a soup that I could have, and had steamed broccoli with no butter instead of the fries. It was a total success and I had no headaches or anything afterwards. woohoo.
I've started to have a cup of tea a day now. I've been making one (a white tea...minimal caffeine) with breakfast and yesterday I also made myself a cup of black tea in the afternoon because I knew I would need the extra energy. It's a great way to get water in you! (I really like Seltzer as a fun way to get your water in as well!)
Oh, and yesterday I went back to that aerobics studio for another class! ....It was awesome. To be quite frank, I got my ass kicked! It was intense. It was high energy, challenging, and fun. And boy am I sore today. I've been stretching a lot and pounding water in hopes that tomorrow I will feel better. I'd like to go to another class this weekend but definitely would like to be less sore than I am today before I head back. It was just awesome. (I know I've now repeated myself....but you get the picture) :)
Today was a very long and productive day and I'm wiped! This will have to do for now...check back tomorrow for more updates. :)
But, one more thing before signing off: Happy Birthday to my best best friend Caitlin today! She is seriously the best. love you chicka! xoxo
sweet dream all, until next time....
But--I am SO GLAD I did! I had much better success and was actually quite proud that at how successful I was. We went to Chili's and there they have lunch combo's that usually come with two of the following: 1/2 sandwich, bowl of soup, and a house salad. And then, you get some french fries to top it off! So what am I to do? First, I brought my own salad dressing from home. (genius!) I ordered a cobb salad with no cheese or dressing, got a soup that I could have, and had steamed broccoli with no butter instead of the fries. It was a total success and I had no headaches or anything afterwards. woohoo.
I've started to have a cup of tea a day now. I've been making one (a white tea...minimal caffeine) with breakfast and yesterday I also made myself a cup of black tea in the afternoon because I knew I would need the extra energy. It's a great way to get water in you! (I really like Seltzer as a fun way to get your water in as well!)
Oh, and yesterday I went back to that aerobics studio for another class! ....It was awesome. To be quite frank, I got my ass kicked! It was intense. It was high energy, challenging, and fun. And boy am I sore today. I've been stretching a lot and pounding water in hopes that tomorrow I will feel better. I'd like to go to another class this weekend but definitely would like to be less sore than I am today before I head back. It was just awesome. (I know I've now repeated myself....but you get the picture) :)
Today was a very long and productive day and I'm wiped! This will have to do for now...check back tomorrow for more updates. :)
But, one more thing before signing off: Happy Birthday to my best best friend Caitlin today! She is seriously the best. love you chicka! xoxo
sweet dream all, until next time....
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Eating out on paleo
I think I got a little over zealous yesterday after weighing in. I ended up going out to dinner last night because I just did not want to cook, and it gave me the opportunity to meet up with a friend who had been away for the holiday's.
We went to Panera and I spent a copious amount of time looking at the soups and salads deciding what I could have. (I even googled nutrition facts, ingredients, etc. etc.) I ended up getting the "you pick two" with french onion soup (no cheese or croutons or course) and an asian sesame chicken salad with no wontons. I knew going into it that I would be "cheating" slightly with the sesame seeds on the chicken and the sugar in the dressing. But I figured, why not, asked for light dressing, and we were on our way. Oh, and I got a drink and chose unsweetened iced tea.
It all tasted good and my stomach felt fine afterwards but I've had a bit of a headache ever since. :/
So the over zealous piece of this is that it was much harder to eat out than I excpected. The hidden ingredients in food are everywhere and are actually quite surprising. I'm still glad we went out though; the food was good, the conversation was great, and it was really eye-opening. But- I'm going to have to stick to my guns and not eat out until I get more acquainted with the various non-paleo ingredients that are often found in food that you wouldn't anticipate.
I felt great this morning when I woke up despite not getting enough sleep and even had a good breakfast before walking out the door at 7a! But now I'm about ready for a nap and am currently contemplating whether or not I should take one of just try and push through.
Oh, and one last piece of fun news....a down vest that I've had for a while fits again! I didn't fit last winter, but it does now. I'm stoked.
that's all :)
see you next time!
We went to Panera and I spent a copious amount of time looking at the soups and salads deciding what I could have. (I even googled nutrition facts, ingredients, etc. etc.) I ended up getting the "you pick two" with french onion soup (no cheese or croutons or course) and an asian sesame chicken salad with no wontons. I knew going into it that I would be "cheating" slightly with the sesame seeds on the chicken and the sugar in the dressing. But I figured, why not, asked for light dressing, and we were on our way. Oh, and I got a drink and chose unsweetened iced tea.
It all tasted good and my stomach felt fine afterwards but I've had a bit of a headache ever since. :/
So the over zealous piece of this is that it was much harder to eat out than I excpected. The hidden ingredients in food are everywhere and are actually quite surprising. I'm still glad we went out though; the food was good, the conversation was great, and it was really eye-opening. But- I'm going to have to stick to my guns and not eat out until I get more acquainted with the various non-paleo ingredients that are often found in food that you wouldn't anticipate.
I felt great this morning when I woke up despite not getting enough sleep and even had a good breakfast before walking out the door at 7a! But now I'm about ready for a nap and am currently contemplating whether or not I should take one of just try and push through.
Oh, and one last piece of fun news....a down vest that I've had for a while fits again! I didn't fit last winter, but it does now. I'm stoked.
that's all :)
see you next time!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Week 1 weigh in!
Well, I just had a celebratory breakfast after weighing in for week 1.
I had my zucchini pancakes again with 2 slices of bacon, an egg with sauteed onions, and an orange. It was extra yummy because it celebrated me completing week 1 of eating paleo.
So are you ready to hear the results? Drum roll please......
I lost 5.8 pounds!
I was expecting a loss, yes--but not that much of one! I was very pleasantly surprised, so much so that I stepped on the scale again to make sure I read it right. :P And I did, so there you have it.
People expect you to lose a lot of weight on week 1 of any diet, but I have never lost this much weight on a week 1 of any other diet so I'm pretty pleased. And I suppose we will just have to see what happens in another week when I weigh in again.
I may have spoke too soon about sleeping well because last night I unfortunately did not. So that, in combination with sub-zero temperatures this morning, talked me out of going to the fitness class I was planning on. Instead, I came home from work and crawled back into bed and slept for a couple more hours. I know I would have been happy had I chosen to workout despite the circumstances but I'm ok with the decision I made to go back to sleep. Gotta live a little since I'm on vacation, right?! :P
That's all for now...hope you all enjoy your day! (And that my fellow east coasters stay warm as well!)
see you next time-
I had my zucchini pancakes again with 2 slices of bacon, an egg with sauteed onions, and an orange. It was extra yummy because it celebrated me completing week 1 of eating paleo.
So are you ready to hear the results? Drum roll please......
I lost 5.8 pounds!
I was expecting a loss, yes--but not that much of one! I was very pleasantly surprised, so much so that I stepped on the scale again to make sure I read it right. :P And I did, so there you have it.
People expect you to lose a lot of weight on week 1 of any diet, but I have never lost this much weight on a week 1 of any other diet so I'm pretty pleased. And I suppose we will just have to see what happens in another week when I weigh in again.
I may have spoke too soon about sleeping well because last night I unfortunately did not. So that, in combination with sub-zero temperatures this morning, talked me out of going to the fitness class I was planning on. Instead, I came home from work and crawled back into bed and slept for a couple more hours. I know I would have been happy had I chosen to workout despite the circumstances but I'm ok with the decision I made to go back to sleep. Gotta live a little since I'm on vacation, right?! :P
That's all for now...hope you all enjoy your day! (And that my fellow east coasters stay warm as well!)
see you next time-
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Sleep and salami.
I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night and, although it took me a while to want to get out of bed this morning, I felt totally fine today! (without caffeine even!) I couldn't believe it. People say you sleep better and have more energy when you start eating Paleo and if today was any indicator, I believe it. Downside: It's not even 10 o'clock here and I'm already about ready for bed though. But to go all day without caffeine on five hours of sleep? Totally impressive.
And while we are on the sleep subject--I have slept better this past week than I have in a while. I fall asleep pretty soon after my head hits the pillow and I swear I don't move or anything. I'm definitely not waking myself up by tossing and turning. It's awesome. If that is paleo related, I am totally impressed again!
....and now for a completely different subject...
Did you know that salami has sugar in it? I had no idea! (Quick side note: I have a part time job of getting 3 kids up and ready and off to the bus for school every morning) So, I was making their lunches and looked at the nutrition facts (cause I was totally going to sneak in a slice for myself) and sure enough: sugar. I was completely blown away....and slightly bummed! They also had the pre-made fruit smoothie in the fridge that I had a sip of and although quite good, less than 5 minutes late my stomach was not happy. I couldn't believe it.
...changing subjects again...
Tomorrow is bound to be exciting. First, because it's weigh in day--my first one! And also, I am going to go try out another class at that aerobics studio. When I met the owner on Sunday she said that she thought I would love this particular class so I'm going to give it a shot. (another side note: the owner totally sent me an email personally thanking me for coming to workout at their place--isn't that the nicest thing you've ever heard!?) And also, I did not play very well today and therefore didn't get good practice time in....so that will surely be better tomorrow as well.
I think that's about it--for those of you living in warmer climates, be thankful cause it is freezing out tonight. It's 14 degrees out, but actually feels like zero because of the wind. And it's supposed to get even colder as the night goes one. Absolutely nuts.
So stay warm! :)
And while we are on the sleep subject--I have slept better this past week than I have in a while. I fall asleep pretty soon after my head hits the pillow and I swear I don't move or anything. I'm definitely not waking myself up by tossing and turning. It's awesome. If that is paleo related, I am totally impressed again!
....and now for a completely different subject...
Did you know that salami has sugar in it? I had no idea! (Quick side note: I have a part time job of getting 3 kids up and ready and off to the bus for school every morning) So, I was making their lunches and looked at the nutrition facts (cause I was totally going to sneak in a slice for myself) and sure enough: sugar. I was completely blown away....and slightly bummed! They also had the pre-made fruit smoothie in the fridge that I had a sip of and although quite good, less than 5 minutes late my stomach was not happy. I couldn't believe it.
...changing subjects again...
Tomorrow is bound to be exciting. First, because it's weigh in day--my first one! And also, I am going to go try out another class at that aerobics studio. When I met the owner on Sunday she said that she thought I would love this particular class so I'm going to give it a shot. (another side note: the owner totally sent me an email personally thanking me for coming to workout at their place--isn't that the nicest thing you've ever heard!?) And also, I did not play very well today and therefore didn't get good practice time in....so that will surely be better tomorrow as well.
I think that's about it--for those of you living in warmer climates, be thankful cause it is freezing out tonight. It's 14 degrees out, but actually feels like zero because of the wind. And it's supposed to get even colder as the night goes one. Absolutely nuts.
So stay warm! :)
Day 6
As promised, I told you I would share with you my fun meals from yesterday so here I am! :)
Breakfast has become pretty routine now and it leaves me super satisfied so I think I'm going to stick with it until I get tired of it. :) Here's what I have: An egg scramble with lots and lots of veggies in it, 2 or 3 slices of bacon, and an orange.
For lunch yesterday I had tuna fish again but this time I put it on romaine lettuce and sort of turned it into a tuna wrap! I wish I had taken a picture...it wasn't anything super exciting but I was proud of my idea. (One quick side note: if you've never added cumin to your tuna fish, you should try it! It's delicious.)
And then for dinner....I was, once again, looking for something quick So I went with chicken, spinach and asparagus. I spiced up the chicken and cooked it on the George Forman grill, steamed up my asparagus, a sauteed some spinach. This was a delicious meal...and quick!
First off--the George Forman grill cooks chicken super quick, and it come out really moist!
And secondly--I was super nervous about sauteed spinach because I don't always like it, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Here is the key: garlic! Garlic makes everything better. I sauteed it up with garlic and then put a little salt and pepper on top and it was delish.
And lastly, for dessert I had a cup of frozen strawberries. Simple but delicious. :)
It sure is a lot of work having every meal be so labor intensive....I seem to be getting the hang of it though. And I kind of like the challenge :) (Not liking all the dishes though! haha)
I'm very curious for Wednesday morning to come around- I want to know if I've lost weight! (I sure hope so.)
I think that's all for now, until next time!
Breakfast has become pretty routine now and it leaves me super satisfied so I think I'm going to stick with it until I get tired of it. :) Here's what I have: An egg scramble with lots and lots of veggies in it, 2 or 3 slices of bacon, and an orange.
For lunch yesterday I had tuna fish again but this time I put it on romaine lettuce and sort of turned it into a tuna wrap! I wish I had taken a picture...it wasn't anything super exciting but I was proud of my idea. (One quick side note: if you've never added cumin to your tuna fish, you should try it! It's delicious.)
And then for dinner....I was, once again, looking for something quick So I went with chicken, spinach and asparagus. I spiced up the chicken and cooked it on the George Forman grill, steamed up my asparagus, a sauteed some spinach. This was a delicious meal...and quick!
First off--the George Forman grill cooks chicken super quick, and it come out really moist!
And secondly--I was super nervous about sauteed spinach because I don't always like it, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Here is the key: garlic! Garlic makes everything better. I sauteed it up with garlic and then put a little salt and pepper on top and it was delish.
And lastly, for dessert I had a cup of frozen strawberries. Simple but delicious. :)
It sure is a lot of work having every meal be so labor intensive....I seem to be getting the hang of it though. And I kind of like the challenge :) (Not liking all the dishes though! haha)
I'm very curious for Wednesday morning to come around- I want to know if I've lost weight! (I sure hope so.)
I think that's all for now, until next time!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year! (day 5)
Well, if today is any indicator how 2012 is going to be, I'd say it's going to be a very productive year. :)
I set my alarm for the first time in a week or so this morning so I could get up and go workout! I did not want to get out of bed this morning...at all! But, I pushed through and am so glad I did. There is this aerobics studio in town that has over 30 group exercise classes a week and I've been wanting to go try out a class or two for a while. They have a drop in fee of $5 and I'd say it was worth it. The instructor was really nice, and I got to meet and chat with the owner and she was super super nice too
Anyways, it was a "DanceEnergy!" class which is essentially a different take on Zumba (which I love). My heart rate was up, I sweat a lot, and my legs still feel like jello--I'd say that was successful, ya?
I think I'm going to go try one or two more classes later this week....there are a couple that I'm eyeing that sound like they could be fun.
In other news--I've sort of gotten into a groove and things are moving along fine. I feel like I am eating so much protein! I almost wonder if it's too much....but I think I will turn into a vegetable if I eat any more of veggies during the day. I suppose this is just what it's like to eat paleo. :P
I think that's all for now....I know it's a short post, but I'm pooped and my pillow sounds amazing right now. :) Check back tomorrow for my fun meals from today and other fun things too! (I'll have to come up with something between now and then....hmmmmm)
goodnight! sweet dreams :)
I set my alarm for the first time in a week or so this morning so I could get up and go workout! I did not want to get out of bed this morning...at all! But, I pushed through and am so glad I did. There is this aerobics studio in town that has over 30 group exercise classes a week and I've been wanting to go try out a class or two for a while. They have a drop in fee of $5 and I'd say it was worth it. The instructor was really nice, and I got to meet and chat with the owner and she was super super nice too
Anyways, it was a "DanceEnergy!" class which is essentially a different take on Zumba (which I love). My heart rate was up, I sweat a lot, and my legs still feel like jello--I'd say that was successful, ya?
I think I'm going to go try one or two more classes later this week....there are a couple that I'm eyeing that sound like they could be fun.
In other news--I've sort of gotten into a groove and things are moving along fine. I feel like I am eating so much protein! I almost wonder if it's too much....but I think I will turn into a vegetable if I eat any more of veggies during the day. I suppose this is just what it's like to eat paleo. :P
I think that's all for now....I know it's a short post, but I'm pooped and my pillow sounds amazing right now. :) Check back tomorrow for my fun meals from today and other fun things too! (I'll have to come up with something between now and then....hmmmmm)
goodnight! sweet dreams :)
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