Tuesday, March 5, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox: Day 2

I made it.  Huzzah!

I woke up very hungry this morning but noticed that I slept really really well last night.

Hit a pretty low energy point in the afternoon when I was working on some school work at the computer and experienced a headache too.  All to be expected really.  I made a point to drink a lot of water today and I think that helped.  Probably over 64 oz. when all was said and done- I will try to do the same tomorrow!

Here is what I ate:

3 hard boiled eggs
piece of fruit
some roasted almonds
healthy portion of my beef stew
bag of veggies that had: carrots, celery, tomato
and a new recipe for dinner!

The recipe was sausage stuffed portabella mushroom caps. Essentially you bake the caps up and then cook up some sausage, onion, and spinach (I used broccoli) to then combine with some egg and a little coconut flour.  Put the sausage mixture on top of the mushroom caps and broil for 5 minutes. Lastly top with tomato sauce. Delish!!

Anyways, I've been up a long time and am all tuckered out so Im headed to bed.

Goodnight- see you tomorrow.


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