Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 6

At the end of week five I was down 13.2 pounds and pretty darn happy about it.....I didn't want to over think it too much but I set a goal for myself to hit 15 pounds in week six.  And then life happened, and you know what?  It was not a great week eating wise.  It was mostly good, but there was a 12-24 hour period where I definitely could have made better choices.  In addition to that, I also didn't make it to the gym like normal because of other commitments I had already made.  So alas, I set myself up to see a gain on the scale and justified it in my brain so that I would be okay with whatever number I saw and that would be that. 

So then Wednesday morning came and I stepped on the scale....and you know what?  There was a loss!  And it was a loss of a whole 2 pounds making my total weigh loss 15.2 pounds!

I'm absolutely thrilled, and also feel like I cheated death a little considering a few of the choices I made. :P  But you know what?  That's life and all I can do is do the best that I can.  Now that my first month is up this is all about sustainability long term and that comes with the reality of not always eating 100% paleo and that's ok.  My next goal is to lose 4.1 pounds because that will get be into the next grouping of 10 lower on the scale.  Ideally it would be great to hit this by week 8, but I'm ultimately shooting for week 9 and maybe will be pleasantly surprised a week earlier. :)

And now to reflect a little on my first month on paleo.....

Ultimately, I've decided that I really like this way of eating/diet.  But, I'd say that it almost took the whole month to get to that point.  The realities are that there is a lot you cannot eat, it is more expensive to eat this way than "normal", and it takes a pretty fair amount of planning.  But, the other realities are that you sleep better, have way more energy than you're used too, don't get sick (no morning sniffles!), get to eat some really delicious food (bacon!), and you lose a good amount of weight...some quicker than others. 

I think it really helped me that I started this while I wasn't in school because by the time school started and something came up where I couldn't eat at home I was already far in enough on the program that I knew how to make it workable.  And it made it really doable that every week I stepped on the scale I weighed less than the week before.  (even the week I ate an embarrassing amount of almonds!)

I have seriously tried every diet in the books and have always only been mildly successful until this one.  I would follow the plan every week to a tee and could never lose more than 8 pounds before plateauing.  And then frustration would kick in and before long I would be back to where I started, or even a few pounds heavier.  It was a vicious cycle!

But now?  I eat how much I want when I want it and work out 2-3 times a week.  <--This is how I always thought it should be!!  It's been very encouraging. :) 

I'm excited to keep sticking to it and frankly, as long as the scale keeps moving down each week I'm happy.  I've also got April 15th that I'm looking forward too....that's my graduate recital and I'm excited to get to that point and see how much I've lost and what sort of size I can fit into. :)

Here are a few other exciting things that I want to share:
1.  One of my pairs of jeans is officially "too big"'s been that while for a while, but literally they are just falling off now.
2.  I bought a new pair of jeans at Old Navy and they are definitely a size smaller than my other pairs....and there is room in them too! (But, the size below that would have been way too tight so I went with the larger size)
3. My mom gave my a shirt about a year ago that was pretty darn small, but I held onto it hoping to be able to wear it someday.  And you know what?  That day was yesterday :)  (The last time I had tried it on was after I finished p90x and it was still too small then.)
4.  There have been a few other shirts that were too tight before but fit normally now.
5.  The legs in my dress pants are super baggy.  And the waist line in my other pair is getting pretty darn big too. 

That's all for now, see you next time :)

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