It's my second attempt at a blog! My first one documented my cross country road trip which was such an awesome awesome adventure. And people seemed to really enjoy reading it as well! (Well, my mom did at least.) But that was easy--I take pictures of amazing places and share them with people. It was 10 days of excitement and then I arrived at my destination and began a new chapter of my life.
So here we are a year and a half later with this blog that's going to cover a much more personal topic--weight loss. *eep!* It's definitely something I don't really enjoy talking about and frankly wish I didn't have to. But the fact of the matter is, I want to lose some weight! Over the summer I did p90x and ate super healthy and, as a result, I dropped some weight! woohoo. Then I started school up again and time to workout and plan meals went out the window. (I swear I'm just that busy and not making an excuse.)
All was going well up until Thanksgiving when things got super stressful. I was sleeping even less than the normal 6 or so hours a night, upped my caffeine and sugar intake to stay awake during my long days and barely had time to plan meals which meant I started to eat out more too. (Oh, and I also started drinking more)
Fast forward to today and I'm six pounds heavier than I was when I started school in late August. The clothes are starting to get a little tighter, the stomach isn't quite as flat as it once was, and I'm not getting in any regular workouts. Sounds sort of like life, right? :P
It's also worth mentioning that my body does not shed the pounds very easily.....I have tried pretty much every diet and no matter what I do I can't seem to lose the amount of weight I want to. It's a mystery to me as to why I just can't follow weight watchers like the next person and lose the pounds, but for whatever reason that just doesn't work for me. So alas, here we are.
Paleo diet time! I first learned about this way of eating from one of my best friends that is studying nutrition in school. I've been interested in giving it a shot for a while and with 4 weeks off of school this seems like the perfect time! :)
I have a delicious non-paleo dinner planned for tonight (my last supper! ha!), and a whole bunch of delicious paleo items all ready for me in the fridge for my week ahead. It's gonna be good and I'm going to document it all. :)
So stay tuned.....if nothing else, hopefully we will have some good stories to tell at the end of it all.
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