I'm back....almost 4 months later!
Since my last post I think it would be safe to say that a lot of life has happened. I traveled for a month at the end of the summer, moved to a new city in a new state, started multiple new jobs, and began a Doctoral program. And amidst all of that kept on living life.
It's been quite the transition this time around but I finally feel like I have a grasp on things here and have decided that it's time to put my weight loss goals back in the forefront. I haven't really gained any weight in the past 4 months, which I suppose is a victory, but I sure don't weigh less than I did during my last post.
And today, after a couple of days off of school and a questionable date with a pint of Ben and Jerry's I've decided that now is the time. So here I am...back for more. But this time my aim is different- I'm not just in this to do "hardcore for 30 days"; I'm here to work on making paleo sustainable for me long term while also working my ass off at school so that I can accomplish the things I want to. Both of these things require A LOT of time and energy and, to be frank, I have yet to find the balance. But I'm going to keep trying. And I'm going to write about it. So while this is still a 'paleo blog'- I'm also giving myself the freedom to write about other stuff too because we all know we get bored of an only food blog. And the other stuff is, in a roundabout way, is what motivates me to want to pursue paleo long term.
Before I sign off can we talk about my totally awesome new blog name. :) I thought it was appropriate! I'd say that eating paleo requires a good amount of creativity and, well, I'm gettting a Doctorate degree in music...wouldn't you say that requires a lot of creativity too? So yes, "Creative Living!" Huzzah!
That's all for now; it feels good to be back!
Until next time-