Thursday, May 31, 2012

Getting underway....(day 2)

Well, it looks like I was able to attract a bit of an audience yesterday when I posted the link here to my blog on facebook and twitter...sweet!  I don't know who you are, but I'm happy that you are here because it really does help me to stay accountable.  :)

I went to the grocery store yesterday and bought lots of vegetables to cook in the upcoming days.  Bok choy and rainbow chard are the most adventurous ones and blueberries were buy one get one free!  Berries are awesome; I'm excited that they are starting to come into season here.

I was also more tired than normal yesterday and am the same today.  Some people react differently in their first couple days of paleo than others, but I am one of the ones that gets really tired.  I also get a little fuzzy.  It will be nice to be over the initial hump here.

I also did what you aren't supposed to do and ate right before bed. (boo!)  They always say not to because it affects your sleep cycles and your bodies ability to burn fat when it's sleeping, etc, etc.  But alas, I did it anyways.  I had a small handful of blueberries, a couple of baby carrots, and a large glass of water.  It obviously could have been worse though, eh?!

I've got some meat de-frosting in the fridge and a workout planned after work so it's going to be a good afternoon! In the meantime though, I going to go take a little nap while the 18 month old twins I nanny for are sleeping.

See you next time! (I'll try to come up with something a little more fun to write about) ;)


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Back! Day 1...or is it Day 155?

Well, I'm back!  It's been a while since I've posted and while the scale has done nothing but go up and down since my last post, a lot of other fun life things have happened!

The biggest thing to report is that I graduated!  I officially have a masters degree and am happy to say that my stress levels are back to a healthy level.  Now I'm in the process of getting ready to move and transition into the next chapter of my life.  In a few short months I'll be packing up my bags and moving an hour south of where I'm living now and am going start pursuing a Doctorate degree.  I'm looking forward to the adventure and think it's the best next step for me.

But the last few months of grad school?  Oh boy were those stressful!  Sleep was only happening 5-6 hours a night and I wasn't able to really eat paleo more than 60%-70% of the time.  So the bottom line for me was that it got hard and I didn't always make the best decisions.  As the semester got busier it became more and more of a chore to plan and cook all of my meals and it became harder and harder to say "no thanks" to those darn gin and tonics.  :P

But, I am happy to say that I, by no means, fell of the wagon completely (phew!) But, I ate non-paleo enough, and didn't workout enough to continue to see the scale move consistently in a downward trend.  On the upside though, at one point the scale said I had lost more than 20 lbs! (this is not the case today, but it was still exciting!)  And overall, I'm still the lightest I've been in a great while which is cool too!

And this brings us to the reason that I'm back....  I've got 7 1/2 weeks until I move away from the place that I've called home for 2 years and I want to make the most of it.  This blog helped to keep me accountable back in Dec/Jan/Feb and I hope it will do the same now.  The goal?  I'd like to lose 15 pounds in these 7 1/2 weeks and then hopes for another 10 in the month or so after that before I start up school again come September.

So while I suppose this is Day 155 since I started all of this, I am going to wipe the slate clean for myself. Today is day 1 and I'm looking forward to this new adventure that we lovingly call paleo.

Check back for more fun...hopefully I can keep us all entertained in the midst of it all.  :)